河北华光交通设施有限公司,创建于2006年,位于久负**的“中国丝网之乡”---河北省安平县,是一家**生产公路、铁路、桥梁、**等工程的防护网、隔离栅、护栏网、刺绳、刀片刺网;楼房、桥梁、路面、堤坝、电力等用的大型网片及建筑用舒乐板网、地板采暖网;超市货架、周转箱、烧烤网、宠物笼、勾花网、电焊网、不锈钢网、黑丝布等系列产品。产品**全国各地,还**欧美、东南亚及港台地区。 十余年来,在公司**和管理人员、技术人员的共同努力下,借改革之势,使企业得到了迅猛发展。现拥有员工218人,高级工程师2名,工程师5名,技术人员23名。近年来又新增具有国际先进水平的GWC2050型钢筋焊接网自动成型生产线,2300型自动浸塑防腐生产线,龙门自动网焊机组,折弯机等设备。雄厚的技术力量、先进的设备、**的质量管理、使产品达到了“零缺陷”。 多年来,我厂奉行“以质量求生存、以信誉求发展,向管理要效誉、造福人民,贡献社会”的企业 宗旨。在受到用户**的同时,还不断地受到上级主管部门的嘉奖。
Founded in 2006, Anping County Hua Guang Wire Mesh Production Co., Ltd is located in Anping County of Hebei Province, which is famous as Wire Mesh Land of China. Huaguang is professionally engaged in production and sales of wire mesh fencing, security fences, wire mesh grating, welded wire mesh, barbed wire tapes, metal wire, wire mesh turnover containers and different wire mesh products. We have been producing and providing good quality products used in expressway, railway, bridges, construction, breeding, garden, security fencing and other fields for many countries in the world including the USA, Europe, Asia and African countries.
Huaguang follows the business policy of Quality First & Service First and has constantly improved its products quality and management standard. We have branches to handle material processing, metal mesh welding, galvanizing, plastic coating, accessory producing and installation separately.
If you are interested in our products, please contact us with your detail requirements.
主要市场 |
经营范围 |
公司主要经营护栏网,隔离栅,防护网,建筑网,装饰网,电焊网, 高速公路护栏网、铁路护栏网、机场护栏网、监狱防护网、城市护栏、体育场围栏、高速公路防眩网、桥梁防落网、防抛网、厂区围栏、钢筋焊接网、声屏障、移动护栏、密纹网、防爬网 |